Not of this Earth? What bunk! What this guy saw was clearly evidence of the famed German moon base.
After about thirty minutes of technical discussion and a complete rundown on all the steps in the process, the Airman turned to me and said candidly, "You know they've discovered a base on the back side of the Moon!". I said, "What do you mean?", and again he said, "They have discovered a base on the Moon!" and, surrepticiously, at the same time dropped a photograph in front of me. There it was, a mosaic print of the surface of the Moon, with some sort of geometric structures clearly visible. Scrutinizing the image, I could see spheres and towers. My first thought was, "Whose base is it?" Then I realized the full implication: it was not anyone of this earth
Moon Base Photo Said Seen By Top Security AF Vet!
That photo is from the Werner Von Braun produced Disney TV special "Man and the Moon"; it is available on DVD.
There's a Disney TV logo in the bottom right corner of the image... it can only mean one thing. Disney is run by -them- and they're using cartoons to brainwash our children!
Everyone knows that the Nazis did have advanced technology and did establish a secret base in Antartica as well as on the moon. How else can you explain the fact that they are all gone and you never see any marching in a St. Paddy’s Day parade? The reasons they left and did not win WW2 are simple and clear. Imagine yourself a high ranking Nazi Something-fuhrer kicking back with Adolph, having a few beers and talking about the 1000 year Reich. We have based the whole deal on a group of pure Aryan Ubermensch ruling over the rest of the inferior humans. A couple of problems…winning WW2 is going to mean alot of casulaties and we need alot of Ubers to occupy the world. We don’t have enough Ubers and can’t get them soon. So we set up a spy/listening base at the south pole to keep an eye on things and move to the moon [I think they are on Mars as well by this time]. Now we have all the time we need to develop and perfect our technology and make lots and lots of Ubers…nice pure Aryan Ubers…highly trained, highly motivated killer Ubers...and when we are real good and ready…we come back, win the war and take over the world.
I think I hear an Uber walking down the hall right now.
They had advanced technology but its still not possible to build a base to the moon. Actually its possible but it will take lots of effort and material. It's not something you can build in a day or two...
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