Astounding images from the dark side of the moon of what can only be structures that have been build by those intrepid , if not misguided, scientists that fled from Nazi Germany all those years ago. I can only hope that they have survived the harassment of lunar bombardment by their Earth brethren in the the alleged name of 'science'. Hopefully those at the Zeeman crater base are safe and sound.
mmhmm surrrrre (sarcasm)
Assuming the scientists were at least 30 at the time they fled to the moon, they must now all be at least 96 years old.
So far the Nazi scientists have used 264990000 litres of air per person. Assuming there are at least 5 of them, 1324950000 litres of air has been consumed SO FAR + additional oxygen for suits. It is necessary to prepare for spacesuit wear by breathing pure oxygen. Unless the base itself somehow enjoyed a constant supply of breathable air, spacesuit use would have been constant, leaving no time to prepare in this way. Therefore the astronauts would have been unable to breathe in the suits and died.
Assuming the base was somehow supplied with air, the minimum calorie requirement for 66 years would be 60225000 per person, or 301225000 for the minimum group of 5. This equates to 312047 cups of corn syrup.
They would also require 36135 litres of water per person, or 180675 for the minimum group of five.
It takes a standard rocket 2273045 litres of fuel to reach the moon. This would vastly increase with the enormous size of the craft.
Furthermore, they would have needed to take the fully-formed space base with them, as it could not have been built to the required specifications in situ. Add to this all the numerous day-to-day equipment needed for life on the moon over nearly seven decades.
Space stations such as the ISS are supplied regularly by shuttle missions. Clearly, no such missions could have been sent to the Moon in the wake of the departing scientist.
Therefore, just to incorporate the calculated supplies listed above, the rocket would have to be at least 1327311706 litres, or 46873571 cubic feet. This means the hold alone would have to be at least eleven times the size of one of the biggest buildings in the world, the Shanghai World Financial Trade Center.
Therefore, the scientists would have needed an even bigger complex to make and house the ship, not to mention the Ground Control complex and the huge clear space needed for a safe launch. However, at the time of the supposed launch in 1945, the Reich had been pegged back into a small area around Berlin. Thousands would have witnessed the launch of a ship of this size, while anyone within the launch area, which would have included large swathes of the capital, would have been incinerated immediately.
Furthermore, resources were by this point so depleted that they couldn’t produce enough planes to defend army of their major cities, let alone build the biggest space craft of all time.
Even with modern techniques it takes 8 years to train an astronaut, giving a start date of 1937, just 4 years after the start of the Reich.
Space research in other countries has been going on for at least 54 years, while the Reich lasted for 12. Even if they started the space programme on the first day of the Reich, that still leaves less than a quarter of the time it has taken to develop modern space techniques. They would also have required incredibly sophisticated computers to build a working spaceship. By contrast, American computers of the time were only capable of producing mathematical tables. This gave Nazi scientists twelve years in which to develop superior computer technology and then use it to create a modern space programme. If the Nazis had possessed such advanced technology they could have won the war with ease.
Geometric shapes are common in nature e.g. the Giant’s Causeway, which, like the moon, formed from the cooling of molten rock.
All supposed drawings and photos of Nazi UFOs, as well as showing no convincing link to the Reich, depict flying saucers, which are typical of early stealth planes and fictional alien craft but have never been an efficient means of real space travel.
The building of a shuttle would require a large workforce, not to mention a large ground control team, but no one has ever admitted to being part of this programme, though many have admitted to being involved in the holocaust, a far more serious offence.
Except ‘for their own purpose’, there is no obvious motive for the Nazi scientists to go to the moon. If they wanted to escape culpability in the aftermath of the war, they could have taken employment with the US government, as did many Nazi scientists after the war, or taken refuge abroad, as did many prominent figures, such as the notorious ‘Angel of Death’ Dr Jospeh Mengele, who would have been higher priority targets. If on the other hand they wanted to conduct research, no one would have benefited from it and they would have received no credit.
There has been no attempt to produce evidence to link the supposed ‘moon base’ to the Third Reich.
Assuming the scientists were at least 30 at the time they fled to the moon, they must now all be at least 96 years old.
So far the Nazi scientists have used 264990000 litres of air per person. Assuming there are at least 5 of them, 1324950000 litres of air has been consumed SO FAR + additional oxygen for suits. It is necessary to prepare for spacesuit wear by breathing pure oxygen. Unless the base itself somehow enjoyed a constant supply of breathable air, spacesuit use would have been constant, leaving no time to prepare in this way. Therefore the astronauts would have been unable to breathe in the suits and died.
Assuming the base was somehow supplied with air, the minimum calorie requirement for 66 years would be 60225000 per person, or 301225000 for the minimum group of 5. This equates to 312047 cups of corn syrup.
They would also require 36135 litres of water per person, or 180675 for the minimum group of five.
It takes a standard rocket 2273045 litres of fuel to reach the moon. This would vastly increase with the enormous size of the craft.
Furthermore, they would have needed to take the fully-formed space base with them, as it could not have been built to the required specifications in situ. Add to this all the numerous day-to-day equipment needed for life on the moon over nearly seven decades.
Space stations such as the ISS are supplied regularly by shuttle missions. Clearly, no such missions could have been sent to the Moon in the wake of the departing scientist.
Therefore, just to incorporate the calculated supplies listed above, the rocket would have to be at least 1327311706 litres, or 46873571 cubic feet. This means the hold alone would have to be at least eleven times the size of one of the biggest buildings in the world, the Shanghai World Financial Trade Center.
Therefore, the scientists would have needed an even bigger complex to make and house the ship, not to mention the Ground Control complex and the huge clear space needed for a safe launch. However, at the time of the supposed launch in 1945, the Reich had been pegged back into a small area around Berlin. Thousands would have witnessed the launch of a ship of this size, while anyone within the launch area, which would have included large swathes of the capital, would have been incinerated immediately.
Furthermore, resources were by this point so depleted that they couldn’t produce enough planes to defend army of their major cities, let alone build the biggest space craft of all time.
that looks so fake how come the image form the 2000s..... doesn't even match the surrounding area cooler of the surface waist of time.....
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